Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today in French class, my skit partner and I decided to celebrate Iowa.
The skit goes as follows- (excuse grammatical errors and lack of french characters...)
Alex-Oh la la...
Alex- Ah, mon dieu! C'est toi! J'ai su que j'ai connu cette derriere...
Eliz- Ca fait longtemps qu'on ne ses pas vu!
Alex- Out.. Ca fait longtemps vraiment...Mais, ecoutes... tu veux bien que je t'embrace??
Eliz- Ce n'est pas possible! Nous sommes en Caroline du sud!
Alex- Zut... c'est vrai. Alors...chez moi?
Eliz-...chez moi?
Alex- Alors...IOWA!
Eliz- Oui! Nous nous marions!
Alex- Oui! Parce-que nous pouvons maintenant!
Eliz- Allez-viens! Je ne puis dermeurer loin de toi plus longtemps!

And then the substitute took off ten points for inappropriate conduct! Something about kissing and girls can't get married. (Funny. that line about it not being able to happen because we are in South Carolina). The other thing is she approved the skit before we did it and then claimed we changed it before we went up to do it. How could we? We barely had time to write one skit!

I'm pretty sure SC would rather leave the United States than let two people who love each other get married. I don't have time to rant. I have to clean for room inspection. Perhaps cleaning will help me blow off a little steam. On the bright side, there are now four states, as you can see from my previous blog, that allow all people who love each other to get married.