Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Dear internet users,

Please be aware of these things called tabloids. They are not real. They do not speak the truth. Using articles from them as back up for your arguments may not be a good idea. The Onion is not a real news source. Google will not tell you if something is a tabloid. You have to use your brain. So, don't rely on Google to tell you all you need to know. Check your sources. If something seems too ridiculous, it probably is.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I have returned from summer camp. I am itchy. I have been given the gift of chiggers. As a thank you, I have covered them with nail polish to suffocate the life out of them. Why can't they just stay in the grass and be vegetarian? Why must they feed on me?

I am also a little frustrated. I've been a little frustrated about a certain topic for a while. This topic is that of the internet allowing people to say whatever they please. Okay, as a person sitting here writing a blog, I have no place to talk but at the same time, at least I am not viciously attacking anyone. Blogs, I think, are different than what frustrates me, though. I can deal with an obnoxious blog. If I don't want to read it, I don't go to the site. I cannot deal with people on youtube and yahoo and any other site that allows comments on articles or videos. As much as I try not to read comments, sometimes it's hard to avoid them, such as the ones right at the end of an article. My goodness. People are so mean and, most of the time, it is clear they didn't even pay attention to what the article was about. It is as though there are people who simply scan the internet for reasons to go bat-poo-insane about topics they clearly know very little about. An article about Indian-Americans taking office? Commenters turned it into an argument about Muslims. Taking back "our" country. What?! Dear white (wo)man, this wasn't exactly your country to begin with. I believe it "belonged" to the Native Americans you like to incorrectly call Indians half of the time. Or if commenters aren't making comments about how stupid democrats are, they take the opportunity to scream out a few Bible verses. I especially love comments that go something like "Hey b***** go read the Bible." WHAT?! Holy cow, I think I might know why no one like Christians anymore. Could it be that there is a wee bit of hypocrisy going on? Clearly.

So all in all, I want to say this: Dear username/guest/anonymous, remember when mama said "If you can't say something nice, you ought not say anything at all?" Well take that into consideration as well as "If you can't say something intelligent, you really shouldn't say anything at all" And if that doesn't do it for you, remember the 5th commandment and honor what your mama said.

And if you aren't Christian, I am so sorry that you have to deal with those who claim to be Christians yet fail to realized that Jesus taught love, forgiveness and acceptance, not hatred, rejection and intolerance.

that is all for this evening. I must await my dry laundry.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Attention Soccer Moms.

To Catch A Predator shows the nation how easy it is for a child molester to come into your home. So we are constantly warned about how to protect children from these people. Some of these tips from the To Catch a Predator site include telling your children: "Adults and other people who need help should not be asking a child for help; they should be asking other adults. Adults should not be asking you for directions or to look for a “lost puppy” or telling you that your mother or father is in trouble and that they will take you to them." and "People should not ask you to keep a special secret. If they do, tell your parents or teacher. Also, tell anyone who wants to take your picture, “No,” and quickly tell your parents or teacher" These are good tips, as well as the rest of the tips on the website.

However, does anyone notice how every minivan (at least in my town) has become a rolling menu for predators? First you start with a stick figure family, showing the gender, relative age, and often the names of your entire family. Some even come with hobbies! Next you add the sticker that says your kid is an Accelerated Reader or Honor Student (or both) at ____Elementary or Middle School. Then there is the magnet that shows where your little girl takes tap dance and the team your son plays soccer for. A parking pass tells that you teach or go to classes at the university. Other choices of stickers include the beach you go to, the neighborhood you live in (Baxter Village, Fort Mill, SC!), the church you go to, who you voted for and an organization you support. Stickers are great. However, how easy is it for a mysterious person to follow your car to the park because they know your little girl tap dances at Sally Sue's Dance Academy, reads a lot and her name is Lillian and your name is Phoebe and you like to shop. Why not just put your social security number on the car? Children can be trained to say no to strangers. But can a child be tricked by a stranger who knows so much about them? Cars can't be set to private like facebooks can. Once you stick something on your car, the whole world has the chance to see it. All that to say: Take those ridiculous family stickers off of your car! Get yourself one of those bracelets with each kid's birthstone and stop broadcasting your children to the world.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


making decisions can be a real pain.

Papers piss me off. I am smarter than a paper. I am dumber than a paper. I hate writing papers. Intelligence deserves a greater opportunity to be shown. Why is everything measured by papers? Papers say "Oh let's see how well you can write about this topic." Papers are one sided. I can discuss my topic without paper. I can TALK about it. And not babble and say "You's really interesting." Papers say "You have one chance to get your point across." I hate papers. Papers often leave me with the inability to defend myself. YOU KNOW WHAT?! I realize that I hate papers because you have to site everything that isn't YOUR idea. This completely negates the morphogenetic field theory, which I believe in. If someone makes a discovery, it is possible that others will instantly be able to make the same discovery without ever being informed about that person... I'm not saying that quotes and facts should not be cited, but if a student comes to a brilliant conclusion and the teacher believes he has plagiarized? How much does that suck? What if I come to an idea by myself without knowing that idea "belongs" to someone else? And what is really ours if all we do is have to cite other people? Where do ideas come from? Can I just site my paper: Written by the ideas of humankind received from the higher powers that be? We are asked to cite things that aren't common knowledge. That changes from place to place. Because moving to a new area isn't confusing enough already. Am I required to know only what my teacher knows? I could go on forever! hah. I hope I unknowingly stole someone else's ideas when I wrote this blog. I know no one really reads this but if you are reading, and you are shaking your fist in anger, don't blame me for stealing your ideas....blame morphogenetic fields and the fact we are all connected.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Me: Come sit next to me! Texts from last night!
Niladri: meh. *sad face*
Niladri: Let me get the Cheez-its!!!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010



That is all.