Friday, December 14, 2007

So I just made this


I've made this all by myself. But i dont know how to be cool. So i can blog better later with the help of a really cool girl I know that has an awesome blog...

Because now i have exams to study for. Isnt that nice? No its not. Because precal is not my type of subject. And the english exam is going to be evil. oh yeah, french. ack. So basically I'm going to go nuts. All will be good. I'll just do some math and listen to Aida ((the broadway one)) or just do math because i cannot listen to musicals and study. And i can waste time by doing this. And working on stuff like singing because tomorrow is the last day. sad! Ok. im done. no introduction......

more later. some poetry of sorts. maybe even a funny story. haha. i have a secret...

and i really dont know how to navigate on here! oh well. i'm hitting publish post and i'll see what happens.