Monday, December 24, 2007

Some random things that reflect and such

Computers are so weird. Mine just told me that connecting to the internet was taking longer than usual, as if I didn’t already notice that. I would rather it tell me “Warning, I’m about to cut off and you are about to lose all of your work!” or maybe “This is the reason I am running slow today is: [insert reason].” Or how about telling me what is wrong with my Windows Media Player/ CD Drive. That would be really nice to know.

I’ll probably be writing often over the break because I have the time and there’s a lot I have to say I guess. Looking back at the semester is overwhelming. I survived the first semester away from home and I believe I passed all of my classes. And I didn’t die in my evaluation. Despite a few unexpected events in my personal life that carried over unfortunately into my school life, I’d say the semester went pretty darn well.

For next semester I have a few major things to work on. My voice needs a ton of work regarding support and placement…I am scared but I can worry about that later. And for me, I have to stop wanting to find the right answer because in theatre world, there isn’t a right answer. I’m working on being; just being. Mr. Tromsness says I’m like a gerbil. Yes, yes I am. Risk is my focus. Taking the risk and stop being so focused on getting it right. I hope I can do it!

And over the break I’ll be working on Shakespeare, a few packets Mr. Day gave out, and the biggie: Martin Luther King Jr. Andre De Shields is coming to work with us the week we come back on a project for MLK Day and Studio 3 actually gets to take part in it! I’m excited! They told us he was in The Wiz but I didn’t realize he was THE WIZ. I can say really like The Wiz but hey, it won a Tony for best musical and he was The Wiz. That’s pretty awesome.

So tonight I'm going to 2 christmas eve services! yay! one regular one and one midnight mass. i love christmas!