Friday, September 25, 2009

In the airport

Here's a list of weird stuff about my new dwelling place. I'll update this when I discover/think of more.

In no particular order:

1) minivans and cars with a sign on it that says school bus.
2) Wicked Intrusive R
3) Dunkies is a name for Dunkin' Donuts
4) No air conditioning
5) Au Bon Pain but no Chick-Fil-A
6) sales tax is like 6.25% but not on everything.
7) maybe 5 people wear Rainbows/ know what rainbows are without being shown
8) flavored seltzer water
9) No free wireless internet in the airport
10) empty streets on Sunday mornings
11) No Bojangles
12) The emergency lane used as an actual lane for driving in?!
13) One anti-Obama bumper sticker sighting
14) Putting your hat/scarf/gloves into your jacket sleeve when you go inside