Thursday, December 31, 2009
~stop biting fingernails
~get a big scholarship or keep from being a prostitute
~stay single I got a big scholarship and I'm not a prostitute. Of course I failed the fingernail thing but that's okay. I'm not really bothered by it. The staying single part is my broken resolution that I will enjoy and not report here. That's my business. =]
So this year? I don't know. Keep from freezing to death in February? That would be good.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
List of Updatesish
- Papers for the end of the term do not make me happy
- NACA Northeast was super awesome
- I'm going be very close to home during Spring break, however I will not be going home
- I'm not certain what I will be doing this summer
- My guitar will be used all next semester and I get credit for it
- I haven't been journaling much.
- Wah!
- I can't wait to get back to school tomorrow.
- If only that El Nino paper would write itself.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
In the airport
In no particular order:
1) minivans and cars with a sign on it that says school bus.
2) Wicked Intrusive R
3) Dunkies is a name for Dunkin' Donuts
4) No air conditioning
5) Au Bon Pain but no Chick-Fil-A
6) sales tax is like 6.25% but not on everything.
7) maybe 5 people wear Rainbows/ know what rainbows are without being shown
8) flavored seltzer water
9) No free wireless internet in the airport
10) empty streets on Sunday mornings
11) No Bojangles
12) The emergency lane used as an actual lane for driving in?!
13) One anti-Obama bumper sticker sighting
14) Putting your hat/scarf/gloves into your jacket sleeve when you go inside
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A preview of a blog to come=]
Monday, August 31, 2009
I think I killed our scanner.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Let's get spacy.
MY NAME drinking earl gray, burning frankincense, and making a fairy costume and vegetable jewelry.
And a woman who I love very much who I call Tromma said: I think that is the most Elizabeth-esque status you could ever write.
And I agree. Although If i had added "while singing newsboys" it might have been the MOSTEST.
The new Govies started moving in today. I'm going on Friday. YES.
Today at Lowe's, while we were awaiting approval for our military discoutn, this older man comes up to me and tells me to stop texting because I had been on my phone since he saw me 15 minutes ago. I inform him that I am texting my roommate that lives in NH. He then started to talk about how that would be the Civil War all over again...something about how a Yankee can't move to the south and move back up north for some reason... He asked me if I was at Winthrop and I said "No, actually I'm going to Boston." He looked away for a moment, in utter defeat. He couldn't understand why I would want to move to Yankee-land. I told him I was going to go to App State but they wouldn't give me a penny of scholarship money...As we were walking at the man comes up to my mom and says "Have you got the funeral arrangements made?" and my mom says "no" and he responds with "Well I have a pistol in my truck. We can shoot her now for treason and deserting the south. I need some target practice!" Let it be known that this was all said in good jest.

<--I should have told him about this book I got on an adventure I went on a few weeks ago. It's pretty funny. especially since it was written in the 80's.
I'm making jewelry. Lots of it. Veggies. they are really cute.
I made a fairy costume today. I'm going to wear converses with it.
I have stitches in my back. that's a funny story. My twitter from that day:
mytwittername the dermatologist put stitches in me and put me in stitches. I'm hysterical.
I got spongebob bandaids that glow in the dark for my stitches. I can't see the glow in the dark part since they are on my back, but knowing they glow in the dark makes me feel better.
I'm going to the convent tomorrow to celebrate my friends who are going far far away from me for their novitiate. I will miss them.
I got new glasses. they are red.
I've been painting my nails so I don't bite them. Then I realized I can't play the guitar as well. Bye bye nails! yay!! I hate long nails. AKA a normal person's regular nail length.
My brother comes home soon.
My friends are leaving/left today for college.
I leave for college soon. I'm excited. I love my English class syllabus. If all goes well, it will be a great class. not as good as AP lit though. Nothing beats Wonderwoman.
My room is getting a makeover and we are getting all of my furniture from Ikea. I FREAKING LOVE IKEA.
I want a bike in Boston. really badly.
I also found this on google:

I like this

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Summer reading.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Catching up... (written throughout the day)
First, a few weeks ago Kat and I went to this restaurant, High Cotton, in celebration of our college-going-ness and surviving the gov school (We'd been planning it all year. We were quite proud of the fact we actually did it). We dressed up and went on our "date." Unfortunately, the people at High Cotton thought we really were on a date. ( I mean with my edgy hair cut and Kat's pants, how could we not be?) So we were seated in the downstairs dining room. Now, if you haven't been to High Cotton, it's a nice restaurant. It's a little pricey. It's a restaurant for the more wealthy southern folk. (High Cotton...hmmm. the south and cotton. High cotton...Big plantations. way.) Anyways, we go down to the lower dining room, where a month or so earlier we had

And that's not the end of my story. The other night I was taping the receipt from dinner in my journal and I realized that High Cotton is part of this thing called Maverick Southern Kitchens. And I just have to laugh, having been Sarah Palin for Halloween. Of course they would give Kat and me weird vibes.
In other news, I watched the Tony's last night! YAY TONY!!! It was quite enjoyable, although Shrek the Musical kind of freaks me out, just a little. However, (now my govie is going to come out), something that was said really stood out to me. I believe it was said that this year was the highest grossing year on Broadway. (Also according to "The 63rd Annual Tony Awards, hosted by Harris June 7 at Radio City Music Hall, were viewed by 7.45 million people, a 19 percent increase from the previous season.") Now, this is like the ultimate IN YOUR FACE SUCKAS! moment for me, only it came a little too late. Long story short, my entire time spent in non-arts school was spent trying to prove that the arts were important and people cared and needed the arts. (and athletics sucked...) To no avail if you must know...So why did this stick out for me so much? Why care? As we are in an economic recession, a time of budget cuts and cutting back, it would probably be expected that Broadway shows would suffer. Tickets are expensive! But instead, in this time of don't buy anything unnecessary, Broadway, doesn't suffer (as much). And this only proves the necessity of art. We need it and we know we do (even if we don't always acknowledge it). If I've learned anything from Humanities class, it's this: Art thrives in hard times. Because as humans, we need a way to express those feelings associated with the hard times. And we can all relate to it. Perhaps that mentality can spread to other parts of the country. We need to understand the importance of art or at least feel the pull. I am in full support of arts education, (duh) but what might be even more important than a detailed education, is just to get people to experience it and then want more. They might not completely understand it, but something inside of them does.
And I should stop before I get incoherent or sappy, or both. In other Tony news, Bret Michaels got attacked by the scenery, Edie Falco is HOT, Angela Lansbury is old but talented, I'm going to see Hair when I go visit my NYC friends when I'm in Boston, Neil Patrick Harris was adorable and I'm still not going to be an actor.
In my life news, I'm playing with a soundbeam2 tomorrow, I went to the Y today and thought I was going to die, Nia Vardalos is beautiful, I'm still writing thank you notes for graduation, I'm babysitting this summer, and my step brother's engagement-y photographs are beautiful.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
You aren't a creeper if:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
This is strange/newsboys=love
I got the new newsboys album. LOVE IT!!!! In the Hands of God. Buy it if you haven't already. I can't stop playing it. It's wonderful. It's also sad because it's the last newsboys album that will have Peter Furler as lead

oh yeah. we went to Krispy Kreme today. I ate 3 donuts. I'm going to go scrub myself with this blackberry scrub Kat and I bought today. I'm going to smell like pie! I hope this stuff doesn't make me break was discontinued----CRAP. I did it again! I'm going to get hooked on a discontinued item.
IS IT THE APOCOLYPSE or did Lindsey just check us in at 10:30 and only say hi? Weird. Which brings me back to my original blog title. THIS IS STRANGE.... I'm going to go exfoliate with some fruit now.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Let's wake up the world

So I have some explaining to do I guess. A few months ago, I posted my jubilant declaration of "APP STATE! WATAUGA GLOBAL COMMUNITY!!!" or something like that. And as of last Monday, that is what I was proclaiming. Well, then I find out I've got this amazing opportunity to go to Lesley University and I didn't really have very much time to make a decision. I had to chose between App State and Lesley. I chose Lesley. It's strange because I've been all for Appalachian State. (So much that people think I've wanted to go there all my life and that I've wanted to be a creative arts therapist all my life too...that just shows how people don't pay attention to me half the time or they are just forgeful...) But now I realize how I really should be at Lesley. I mean I'm going to get to get an undergraduate in Expressive Arts Therapy. Duh, why wouldn't I want to go? I think App State was just safe. It was too easy really. But Lesley wasn't a

I sound crazy, changing my mind suddenly like this. But this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't supposed to happen. I needed a sign, I got it. It wasn't what I planned but so far that hasn't really been a problem. The same thing happened this summer. I was going to be an actor one day, and the next day, I dropped it and chose something new. It isn't because I'm indecisive. There wasn't a lot of going back and forth. I don't feel the need to go into detail in the why of this whole change on at the drop of hat business. It's personal. (believe it or not, I do keep a few things to myself). But I'm really excited. I'm giving up a lot by going to Lesley. But at the same time, I'm gaining so much more! (Um a bachelor's and master's in 5 years? YES!!!!!) Besides, I've got Govies close by and my wonderful cousin near me too. Things work out. I trust Him. =]
PS. I'm going to be a lynx! Which is awesome because I do a mean cat makeup!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tree Hugger.

I hope that one day, all humans, especially Americans, can realize that we are hurting our planet. Yes, the temperature on Earth has fluctuated in the past, but this time, we are preventing it from going back down. It isn't going to fluctuate this time, it's going to keep rising! In the past, the fluctuation was natural. Now we are forcing it to rise faster. It makes perfect sense. Of course the Earth was cooler in 1880. Earth's population was roughly over 1 billion, there were no cars, and electricity wasn't standard in a house. Now, we share the planet with over 6.7 billion people, many households have more than one car, if not more than two (our family is guilty of that), and electricity is taken for granted. And to top it all off, we are destroying the trees and sucking the earth dry of its resources just so we can make highly processed foods, upgrade our TV's, and buy gas-guzzling Hummers to make us all fat, lazy and apathetic.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
That big word
...A disorder that causes people to pull out the hair from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, ... [arms]... resulting in noticeable bald patches. Hair pulling varies greatly in its severity, location on the body, and response to treatment. For some people, at some times, [it's] is mild and can be quelled with a bit of extra awareness and concentration. For others, at times the urge may be so strong that it makes thinking of anything else nearly impossible.
...currently defined as an impulse control disorder but there are still questions about how it should be classified. It may seem to resemble a habit, an addiction, a tic disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Most recently, it is being conceptualized as part of a family of "body-focused repetitive behaviors" (BRFBs)...
from TLC
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The skit goes as follows- (excuse grammatical errors and lack of french characters...)
Alex-Oh la la...
Alex- Ah, mon dieu! C'est toi! J'ai su que j'ai connu cette derriere...
Eliz- Ca fait longtemps qu'on ne ses pas vu!
Alex- Out.. Ca fait longtemps vraiment...Mais, ecoutes... tu veux bien que je t'embrace??
Eliz- Ce n'est pas possible! Nous sommes en Caroline du sud!
Alex- Zut... c'est vrai. Alors...chez moi?
Eliz-...chez moi?
Alex- Alors...IOWA!
Eliz- Oui! Nous nous marions!
Alex- Oui! Parce-que nous pouvons maintenant!
Eliz- Allez-viens! Je ne puis dermeurer loin de toi plus longtemps!
And then the substitute took off ten points for inappropriate conduct! Something about kissing and girls can't get married. (Funny. that line about it not being able to happen because we are in South Carolina). The other thing is she approved the skit before we did it and then claimed we changed it before we went up to do it. How could we? We barely had time to write one skit!
I'm pretty sure SC would rather leave the United States than let two people who love each other get married. I don't have time to rant. I have to clean for room inspection. Perhaps cleaning will help me blow off a little steam. On the bright side, there are now four states, as you can see from my previous blog, that allow all people who love each other to get married.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Oh dear!

I realized today as I was taking a shower, that I'm almost out of my Exhale Alluring body wash. This is not good, you see, because I believe I only have two bottles, at most, left. Well buy some more! you may say. I could. But unfortunately, I think they aren't going to make it anymore! The only place I could get it was Target and last time I got it on clearance. I don't understand why it was on clearance. It's totally the best body wash ever and smells wonderful and is so much cheaper than Bath and Body Works!!! Why must everything I love go away??? My Pier One citrus saffron incense? I thought Enviga was gone, but thankfully, I found it again a few weeks ago. What next? Fuze??? If that happens, I will be devastated but I can find a substitute. Tacky glue and Tampax will probably never go off the market, so we won't have to deal with the possibility of that scenario.
I'm simply blogging right now to ignore part of an assignment I'm supposed to be doing about things I really don't want to think about. But I suppose, I should really get to that. [[I mean I'm done with most of the reading, it's just really depressing and politcal stuff always confuses me. I'm terrible with all of that. I want to be involved and I want to know what's going on, but there's like not a place for it in my head. But of course, I'm so slow catching on when I do try, what's current for me is practically being printed in history books. I still think it's like 2002 and that's almost as depressing as the stuff I'm reading about. Ugh. Can anyone make this a little more interesting for me??
I'm ready for summer to come so I can focus on things I want instead of focusing on things I really don't have the passion for. I just want to sit around with PaulieK and enjoy the stressless idea of not being tied to drama.
I hope my suitemates next year sing opera.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
It's April! [no joke?] [Thanks Dell for making this a late post...]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009

Yesterday, (which was originally "Today" but one (and very likely the only) of my faithful readers came into my room. hi kat!) I finished Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. And besides absolutely loving the book, I keep thinking: HOLY CRAP WHERE HAS THIS BOOK BEEN ALL OF MY LIFE???? I'm reading it again as soon as I finish my physics project. [[BOO PHYSICS PROJECT!]] I don't really know how to describe my love for this book. I put off doing my physics project because of this book. I put off doing French homework to read. I tried to learn my lines so I could go read. And the best part is, I don't have to have it finished until Wednesday! I never read ahead. Not because I only do the minumum, but beause I don't want to be confused or blurt out something that "hasn't happened yet" in class. However, Toni Morrison prevented me from being able to control myself. Instead of going to sleep, I read another chapter. Instead of trying to figure out how to get everything settled for the Angel Bowl, (besides the fact I am terrified of making phone calls), I finished the book. I'm really glad that I got to workout on Friday because I think my legs would have rebelled against me some time this weekend. This is because the chosen reading position for Song of Solomon was with my legs on top of my desk/table in courtyard. 90% of the book was read in this position and therefore my legs fell asleep constantly. (My chosen position for reading Things Fall Apart was under my desk...YES I'M A FREAK). Anyways. This was supposed to be about my love of Song of Solomon and my wondering a

Monday, March 2, 2009
Well then!
Appalachian & Boone received 12" of snow Sunday night/Monday morning. This is the biggest snow event in one day since Jan. 27, 1998. Get used to checking this website often:
Appalachian canceled all classes on Monday. This is something that rarely happens at ASU. We hope you all are ready for snow!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I'm not starting over!

A lot of people want to "start anew" in college. That makes perfect sense to me and I think for a while I felt that way too, especially at my old high school. But now, I definitely do not want to start over. In fact, the idea of me beginning again doesn't settle well in me. I will change a few study habits or two but that's not like a "NEW ME" approach. I don't want to change. I've come so far already. I'm really comfortable with myself, (as uncomfortable as it makes me feel sometimes in say, social situations, I do like who I am). This is a semi-scary idea though. I'm pretty intense. I scare people, I suppose. I'm just really open but at the same time I'm a real freak. I do what I want to do. If I want to paint, I stop and I paint. When I want to scream, I scream. I stopped trying to impress people a while ago. It wasn't working and it made me feel awkward. Now I'm just me, making everyone feel awkward. Although, now that I'm not going to be in drama, I have nothing to blame my freakishness on. Oh well. It's all good. My best friend still loves me. =]
Last night I made Kat watch Veggietales with me on Youtube. She was like, "Wow, this is how your brain works." Yes, yes it is. I'M EIGHTEEN AND I STILL LOVE VEGGIETALES!
Thursday, February 19, 2009

So I'm going to be in the Watauga Global Community!
okay. I really am really excited, but my brain checked out for the week yesterday and I'm like, meh. today. and I hate being meh. I've done a bunch of paintings and I'm still like meh. I'm just ready to get the week over so I can...sleep or get off campus or something. I'm really excited about it though. There's an edible schoolyard. How amazingly awesome is that? I'm turning into some sort of nature freak. I just want to lay in a field and make mini bow ties for asparagus. I need to watch Veggietales. I want a salad. I want some alfalfa sprouts. Those are my freaking favorite thing.
I'm playing my guitar at church on Sunday....AHHHHHHH.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I don't want to be a director.
I don't want to be an actor.
I would like to design sets only I'm dimensionally challenged and I've tried to fix it but in reality, I don't want to design sets.
I would like to design costumes but I'm better at putting together outfits out of already designed clothes than drawing up a pretty dress. But really, I just like the idea of being able to draw disproportional people and get away with it.
I like to make props. But I'm to lazy to measure I wouldn't be a good person to hire for real.
I love the theatre. But I think now, my place is in the audience. I love watching shows. I know enough about the theatre world now, I can make educated critiques of the work, something more than "She was good." Actually she wasn't good. In fact, she played that character in the last play she was in.

But in other news, I've applied to Watauga Global Community. I want this more than anything right now. The picture here is what I sent in with my application. It's an untitled self portrait of sorts.
The yesterday, I learned a new version of hand over hand. It reminded me of why I'm in the audience now and why I love this path that I'm on.
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yesterday, I received my acceptance letter from Appalachian State University. I'm still waiting to hear from the honors college and merit scholarships. I would enjoy going to the honors college and I really need the scholarships, but either way, I'M GONNA BE A MOUNTAINEER!!!!!!!!!!
Super duper special thanks to my favorite person in the world, Gaye, because without her, I probably wouldn't have applied!!
Oh and I "met" Anthony Rapp yesterday. That's my purple hat there on the bottom and my hand with the marker on the top. He signed my poster and my copy of Without You.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
This is a blog

All I ever do is write about what I did in my journal
So really this is more like a journal report.
Not really a blog.
But it kind is a blog
why am I pressing enter after each of my sentences?
I blame shakespeare.
I have to go be a nun now.
and message to person in my head:
would you please stop throwing yourself against the glass wall please?
it's giving me a headache.
And the answer to the puzzle today is:
Sorry if you have the cranium calendar.
Happy Australia Day!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
little candle
You always had a way to make me laugh. If I was happy you could make me mad but only a pretend mad. I wasn't really mad and you weren't trying to make me mad. Just teasing me. If I was feeling bad, you made me feel so much better.
I want to meet this Lebanese woman you always talked about. You made her sound fabulous. Everything sounded fabulous. You were fabulous.
I remember the time that you made me laugh so hard I thought I would have to be put on oxygen because I wasn't getting any air. You did that a lot.
Your spirit was so big.
You made the greatest joke about my closest friends. I'll never forget that. I don't think the joke would have been the same had it come from someone else.
I bet you were an amazing Belize in Angels in America. Now you are an angel. The great work begins.
I know why you didn't want me to go far away for college. I'm not anymore. I just wish you could be here when I come back to visit.
I hope I told you that I loved you sincerely and you knew it.
I know you are still here. I felt you when I came back on campus today. I hope you lurk around. You could pull off some great pranks.
When I told you that you were one of my favorite people, I meant it.
Yesterday, I took my fingernail polish off because I remembered at the beginning of the year you saw that I had like a dot of fingernail polish on each nail where all the rest had chipped off. "Are your fingers diseased or something?" you asked. So yesterday I decided, if I saw you again I wouldn't want you to be disappointed in my nails again and I took the polish off.
You saw me. The me not everyone saw even though I didn't act any differently around other people. When I was around you, I felt that I had something to give.
I'm going to miss you. That way you dragged out your words. Ponder.
I love you.
I hope Heaven has lots of feather boas.
And barbecue.
Friday, January 2, 2009

Not for the strong, the beautiful, the brave
Not for the ones who think they've got it made
It's for the poor, the broken, and the meek
It's for the ones who look a lot like you and me
Blessed be
The ones who know that they are weak
They shall see
The Kingdom come to the broken ones
Blessed be