Yesterday was Earth Day!!! We watched An Inconvenient Truth in Physics. (My school rocks). I didn't like it as much as I liked The 11th Hour. (Which we watched in acting class...once again, my school rocks). An Inconvenient Truth was alright, but The 11th Hour gives more perspectives on the earth. An Inconvenient Truth is basically just Al Gore talking about global warming. The 11th Hour encompasses many more aspects of keeping our Earth alive and provides view from a numerous amount of people from all different nations, religions, races and ages.
I hope that one day, all humans, especially Americans, can realize that we are hurting our planet. Yes, the temperature on Earth has fluctuated in the past, but this time, we are preventing it from going back down. It isn't going to fluctuate this time, it's going to keep rising! In the past, the fluctuation was natural. Now we are forcing it to rise faster. It makes perfect sense. Of course the Earth was cooler in 1880. Earth's population was roughly over 1 billion, there were no cars, and electricity wasn't standard in a house. Now, we share the planet with over 6.7 billion people, many households have more than one car, if not more than two (our family is guilty of that), and electricity is taken for granted. And to top it all off, we are destroying the trees and sucking the earth dry of its resources just so we can make highly processed foods, upgrade our TV's, and buy gas-guzzling Hummers to make us all fat, lazy and apathetic.
I hope that one day, all humans, especially Americans, can realize that we are hurting our planet. Yes, the temperature on Earth has fluctuated in the past, but this time, we are preventing it from going back down. It isn't going to fluctuate this time, it's going to keep rising! In the past, the fluctuation was natural. Now we are forcing it to rise faster. It makes perfect sense. Of course the Earth was cooler in 1880. Earth's population was roughly over 1 billion, there were no cars, and electricity wasn't standard in a house. Now, we share the planet with over 6.7 billion people, many households have more than one car, if not more than two (our family is guilty of that), and electricity is taken for granted. And to top it all off, we are destroying the trees and sucking the earth dry of its resources just so we can make highly processed foods, upgrade our TV's, and buy gas-guzzling Hummers to make us all fat, lazy and apathetic.
Humans and animals (they are on the earth too) can breathe without hurting the planet. We do make carbon dioxide as humans. And guess who uses the carbon dioxide we animals make? Trees and other glorious plants. Now unfortunately we are getting rid of our NATURAL friends who help this cycle and we are replacing them with either fields that die after a few years or giagantic factories or parking lots filled with cars that produce carbon dioxide that can't be compensated for (because we cut down the trees remember?). Also, it's not just carbon dioxide. Other man made chemicals are filling our atmosphere. We can't just take out everything natural and replace it with machines and unnatural substances. It isn't fair. ...I've been thinking about this blog for days...