So I have some explaining to do I guess. A few months ago, I posted my jubilant declaration of "APP STATE! WATAUGA GLOBAL COMMUNITY!!!" or something like that. And as of last Monday, that is what I was proclaiming. Well, then I find out I've got this amazing opportunity to go to Lesley University and I didn't really have very much time to make a decision. I had to chose between App State and Lesley. I chose Lesley. It's strange because I've been all for Appalachian State. (So much that people think I've wanted to go there all my life and that I've wanted to be a creative arts therapist all my life too...that just shows how people don't pay attention to me half the time or they are just forgeful...) But now I realize how I really should be at Lesley. I mean I'm going to get to get an undergraduate in Expressive Arts Therapy. Duh, why wouldn't I want to go? I think App State was just safe. It was too easy really. But Lesley wasn't a

I sound crazy, changing my mind suddenly like this. But this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't supposed to happen. I needed a sign, I got it. It wasn't what I planned but so far that hasn't really been a problem. The same thing happened this summer. I was going to be an actor one day, and the next day, I dropped it and chose something new. It isn't because I'm indecisive. There wasn't a lot of going back and forth. I don't feel the need to go into detail in the why of this whole change on at the drop of hat business. It's personal. (believe it or not, I do keep a few things to myself). But I'm really excited. I'm giving up a lot by going to Lesley. But at the same time, I'm gaining so much more! (Um a bachelor's and master's in 5 years? YES!!!!!) Besides, I've got Govies close by and my wonderful cousin near me too. Things work out. I trust Him. =]
PS. I'm going to be a lynx! Which is awesome because I do a mean cat makeup!!