making decisions can be a real pain.
Papers piss me off. I am smarter than a paper. I am dumber than a paper. I hate writing papers. Intelligence deserves a greater opportunity to be shown. Why is everything measured by papers? Papers say "Oh let's see how well you can write about this topic." Papers are one sided. I can discuss my topic without paper. I can TALK about it. And not babble and say "You's really interesting." Papers say "You have one chance to get your point across." I hate papers. Papers often leave me with the inability to defend myself. YOU KNOW WHAT?! I realize that I hate papers because you have to site everything that isn't YOUR idea. This completely negates the morphogenetic field theory, which I believe in. If someone makes a discovery, it is possible that others will instantly be able to make the same discovery without ever being informed about that person... I'm not saying that quotes and facts should not be cited, but if a student comes to a brilliant conclusion and the teacher believes he has plagiarized? How much does that suck? What if I come to an idea by myself without knowing that idea "belongs" to someone else? And what is really ours if all we do is have to cite other people? Where do ideas come from? Can I just site my paper: Written by the ideas of humankind received from the higher powers that be? We are asked to cite things that aren't common knowledge. That changes from place to place. Because moving to a new area isn't confusing enough already. Am I required to know only what my teacher knows? I could go on forever! hah. I hope I unknowingly stole someone else's ideas when I wrote this blog. I know no one really reads this but if you are reading, and you are shaking your fist in anger, don't blame me for stealing your ideas....blame morphogenetic fields and the fact we are all connected.