LOP = [=
HNC = ]=If you see this and this makes perfect sense to you, I want you to know you are awesome. I LOVE YOU! =]
Two weeks from today, I'm going to be at home. (Or the convent...depending on when my Jubilee preparation servitude begins). I'm going to be at home and I won't be thinking about making a trip back to school. I'm not going to be an actor anymore. I won't have to feel like I am violating every single person I meet in an attempt to study them for some sort of eccentric human behavior that I log in my brain for later use. (Not like I do that now, but there's always that stupid pressure to do it..."I met someone cool this weekend...Oh I didn't get a chance to embed them in my brain, sorry... I'm a bad actor....")I got the new newsboys album. LOVE IT!!!! In the Hands of God. Buy it if you haven't already. I can't stop playing it. It's wonderful. It's also sad because it's the last newsboys album that will have Peter Furler as lead
singer. SADNESS. I love Peter Furler and his voice is one of my favorites. Michael Tait has a good voice I suppose but the Aussie feel isn't there. (He isn't Australian, you see). I WANT MY AUSSIE FEELING!!! Now all that's left is Duncan, who's awesome but he's the drummer. Duncan is a beast. Just watch the newsboys old podcasts. Ahhh. That makes me miss Paul Colman. Although I don't miss him completely because I bought his cd History (another valuable purchase) but I want him back in newsboys. He gave me a high five at the concert this summer. If you don't have newsboys GO cd, get that too because THAT CD is BANGIN'. Well this blog has turned into me getting mushy over my boys and not my school. oh well... I LOVE NEWSBOYS FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR. Or at least til this CD. We'll see what Michael Tait has to bring to the table. Peter is still writing the music---LIZ STOP IT. GO TO SLEEP! WRITE YOUR FRENCH EXAM. MEMORIZE THE ANSWERS TO THE PHYSICS EXAM.
oh yeah. we went to Krispy Kreme today. I ate 3 donuts. I'm going to go scrub myself with this blackberry scrub Kat and I bought today. I'm going to smell like pie! I hope this stuff doesn't make me break was discontinued----CRAP. I did it again! I'm going to get hooked on a discontinued item.IS IT THE APOCOLYPSE or did Lindsey just check us in at 10:30 and only say hi? Weird. Which brings me back to my original blog title. THIS IS STRANGE.... I'm going to go exfoliate with some fruit now.
So I have some explaining to do I guess. A few months ago, I posted my jubilant declaration of "APP STATE! WATAUGA GLOBAL COMMUNITY!!!" or something like that. And as of last Monday, that is what I was proclaiming. Well, then I find out I've got this amazing opportunity to go to Lesley University and I didn't really have very much time to make a decision. I had to chose between App State and Lesley. I chose Lesley. It's strange because I've been all for Appalachian State. (So much that people think I've wanted to go there all my life and that I've wanted to be a creative arts therapist all my life too...that just shows how people don't pay attention to me half the time or they are just forgeful...) But now I realize how I really should be at Lesley. I mean I'm going to get to get an undergraduate in Expressive Arts Therapy. Duh, why wouldn't I want to go? I think App State was just safe. It was too easy really. But Lesley wasn't a
s easy. And it's been presented in quite a challenging way. (I already sent in EVERYTHING for App State). So tomorrow, I will be filling out everything for Lesley.
I sound crazy, changing my mind suddenly like this. But this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't supposed to happen. I needed a sign, I got it. It wasn't what I planned but so far that hasn't really been a problem. The same thing happened this summer. I was going to be an actor one day, and the next day, I dropped it and chose something new. It isn't because I'm indecisive. There wasn't a lot of going back and forth. I don't feel the need to go into detail in the why of this whole change on at the drop of hat business. It's personal. (believe it or not, I do keep a few things to myself). But I'm really excited. I'm giving up a lot by going to Lesley. But at the same time, I'm gaining so much more! (Um a bachelor's and master's in 5 years? YES!!!!!) Besides, I've got Govies close by and my wonderful cousin near me too. Things work out. I trust Him. =]PS. I'm going to be a lynx! Which is awesome because I do a mean cat makeup!!