As I drove home from Honk Jr. today I decided I needed to work on being. This was probably sparked by the song that was playing and the fact that it was beautiful outside. The sky was turning purply-pink [if thats a color] and the moon was just a sliver in a part of the sky that was more blue than purple. And it wasn't too hot. Of course I had my windows down because I hate AC, it bugs me and it makes me feel synthetic. So I slowed down to 35mph, hoping no one would be behind me, and actually looked out the windows at "the middle of no where" which really is somewhere, its just a little more forgotten and a little less seen than other places. And it was a very beautiful time. Just me, Boq [[my car]], Ingrid Michaelson and the landscape at 10 under the speed limit on a road I could [[and sometimes do]] go 10 or more over on.
And for a second or two, I was. just was.