April 3, 2008
Maybe I just hate ideas. I don’t know. Interpretation. I don’t like that word most of the time. Especially when it’s say, for a grade. How does so and so interpret this concept says the question. I don’t know, ask them! The answer I give is simply my own interpretation of the work that will be graded by a person who may have a different interpretation thus my grade will be judged on how my interpretation in interpreted. Which if you ask me, is unfair because someone else could interpret my answer differently and also interpret the work which the question is about differently. And then, there are the questions that ask for your opinion. I hate those because it doesn’t matter what your opinion is as long as the grammar is right and you appear to know what you are talking about. And then you are going to be told that your content is wrong or you haven’t thought through your opinions enough. Sometimes I’d rather not explain every aspect of my opinion. Why? Because someone will get offended because maybe I interpreted the subject wrong. How dare I think that a classic author is bad! I’m sorry, but I cannot like everything just because GREAT AMERICAN WRITER is stamped across the cover of the book. It wasn’t difficult to read, the topic just proved to be boring. And because I say that I obviously have no appreciation for true aspects of human life. Well, shame on me for not loving everything I come in contact with.
I often get in “trouble” for voicing my opinion. This has only really embarrassed me one time and I’d rather not go into it, but I will say I was just frustrated and uneducated. But that’s not the point. The thing is, 95% of the time I don’t agree with people if I don’t actually agree with them. I chose to abstain from sex until marriage. Call me a prude fine but I have a list of reasons why I’ve chosen this path in life. It’s more than just my mommy told me and the Bible says honor your body. I’ll write a blog on that later. So a person decides to be like “Waiting until marriage is stupid. I wanna get laid.” And everyone agrees because how dare you disagree with this person. And I think to myself, well that’s one person I won’t date, have fun getting the clap pal. And then I say, “Well I’m waiting” as I flash my ring (which I chose for myself, my mom simply helped financially) and then I get the “Oh such a good girl” and I say well actually [insert reason here]. So half of the people standing there don’t like my views, I don’t care. Then later one of them will be like “I feel that way too.” Thanks. I’ll admit, in my past I’ve bashed a few things in the wrong way, mostly sports, but I’ll put my opinion out there for that since I’m on a bit of a rampage right now and I’m really not on topic but I really am. Sports anger me. Professional sports/high school sports/ college sports. Basically the ones that get lots and lots of attention. Why are athletes paid so much? I mean I’m sure some of them aren’t paid much but the big NFL guys I see on TV have too much for their own good. And they get paid for what? Playing a game that millions of kids play every day. Except its different because people flock to see them play and each time they touch the ball they get a new addition added onto their already oversized house. And then you think, but gosh, you are an artist. Getting paid to imitate humans. Like being in a film is so hard. Well actually, some of those celebrities shouldn’t be paid to be in movies and actually I think many of the movies today are completely lacking in any meaning anyways. But that’s another blog. And art and sports are different. Art can change lives by being art. Football changes lives when the quarterback decides to give the loose change he found in his 15 person diamond encrusted leather couch to a charity. Okay so I’ve reached the point where my middle school days of being an angry artist come out and starts being close minded. I will tell you however that I have many opinions about each side that I agree and disagree with. Which fits perfectly with the preliminary intention of this blog. That there are too many opinion/interpretations in this world and authors should just dissect their own works and compose answer guides for teachers on how to grade that quote from page 234 that has to do with an opinion of life’s desires.