So at the moment, I’m in the van, typing this on Word because there isn’t internet…duh. I’m going home finally. I went to the convent for the weekend. Sister Sol and Aunt Libby picked me up. I had so much stuff with me but whatever. It was nice to be at the convent. Sister Sol is babysitting a little girl who is 16 months old. I enjoyed teasing her, reminding her that I was the first baby to be brought up by Sister Sol. Apparently, Adelaide already is aware of this. Every time she goes into Sol’s room, she takes my picture off of the shelf and tries to run off with it. “Adelaide, I was first! I’m number ONE!!!”
As always, Sister Sol and I (and a sleeping Adelaide), watched a few movies on TV. We caught the middle of a Lifetime movie, I’m not sure of the title. I don’t know the plot very well partly because we came in at the middle and Sister Sol likes to switch the channels to check scores of games or other movies. Anyways, from what I gathered, the woman is looking for a new boyfriend or something through a radio contest. Her first husband died and she has son named Jonathan. I think the husband’s name is Bob. Bob’s ghost visits with Jonathan and they try to help the woman cope with Bob’s death. It was a really sweet story and I want to find out the rest of the story. But a movie review is not what I’m writing about. At one point in the movie, the woman wants to see Bob so badly and finally he appears to her. The scene between them was absolutely amazing. It was so fake, I mean its Lifetime, but I believed all of it. There was so much sincerity between those two people and suddenly I was crying. Over a Lifetime movie! It wasn’t a big sobbing cry but I was all teary and I don’t really understand how. That got me to thinking. I mean of course the past few weeks have been overwhelming to say the least, but why that moment in that movie? (Why this word now? Hehe)
The next day!
I was about to come to my conclusion but then we arrived at my house… Anyways, why am I crying over a Lifetime movie? [and I will now look up the movie and get the right names since I have internet] I see it this way: I’ve come to realize a few things about my recently ended relationship and it makes me really depressed. But at the same time I’m happy because I get to dream of my future Mr. Right while singing “I’ve Been Dreaming of a True Love’s Kiss” and making up my next relationship requirements which my Studio is totally aware of. So anyways, I’m watching this Lifetime movie and I realize that I want what that couple has. Complete sincerity, honesty. I look back at the past year and a half and I thought that I had it, but I really didn’t. I was honest and sincere on my end, but that was not what I was getting in return, especially towards the end. I’ve been so lost in wondering why I’ve been feeling so weird about the whole relationship and now I know and it’s a little sad, but so great at the same time. And like Sister Sol says, I should date 100 guys before I find the perfect one. Well, maybe I won’t date 100 guys, but I have a few things I don’t want in a guy now, and many things that I do want. I figure, if I have these I can cut down on at least 75 “eligible” guys without getting attached and having to break it off. Bahaha. Well the search for this movie has been unsuccessful… I can’t find the name of it. I’m sure it was on Lifetime… Oh well. It was a beautiful moment.