Shame on me for wanting a higher quality than 72 dpi. Man. I'm gonna miss the library's scanner. =[ I attempted to write in my journal... this is what I got. (excuse the lousy scan job... thank you all in one...)
Today my facebook status was: MY NAMEdrinking earl gray, burning frankincense, and making a fairy costume and vegetable jewelry.
And a woman who I love very much who I call Tromma said: I think that is the most Elizabeth-esque status you could ever write.
And I agree. Although If i had added "while singing newsboys" it might have been the MOSTEST.
The new Govies started moving in today. I'm going on Friday. YES. Today at Lowe's, while we were awaiting approval for our military discoutn, this older man comes up to me and tells me to stop texting because I had been on my phone since he saw me 15 minutes ago. I inform him that I am texting my roommate that lives in NH. He then started to talk about how that would be the Civil War all over again...something about how a Yankee can't move to the south and move back up north for some reason... He asked me if I was at Winthrop and I said "No, actually I'm going to Boston." He looked away for a moment, in utter defeat. He couldn't understand why I would want to move to Yankee-land. I told him I was going to go to App State but they wouldn't give me a penny of scholarship money...As we were walking at the man comes up to my mom and says "Have you got the funeral arrangements made?" and my mom says "no" and he responds with "Well I have a pistol in my truck. We can shoot her now for treason and deserting the south. I need some target practice!" Let it be known that this was all said in good jest. He then congradulated me on being able to go to school and told me good luck.
<--I should have told him about this book I got on an adventure I went on a few weeks ago. It's pretty funny. especially since it was written in the 80's.
I'm making jewelry. Lots of it. Veggies. they are really cute.
I made a fairy costume today. I'm going to wear converses with it.
I have stitches in my back. that's a funny story. My twitter from that day: mytwitternamethe dermatologist put stitches in me and put me in stitches. I'm hysterical.
I got spongebob bandaids that glow in the dark for my stitches. I can't see the glow in the dark part since they are on my back, but knowing they glow in the dark makes me feel better.
I'm going to the convent tomorrow to celebrate my friends who are going far far away from me for their novitiate. I will miss them.
I got new glasses. they are red. I've been painting my nails so I don't bite them. Then I realized I can't play the guitar as well. Bye bye nails! yay!! I hate long nails. AKA a normal person's regular nail length.
My brother comes home soon.
My friends are leaving/left today for college.
I leave for college soon. I'm excited. I love my English class syllabus. If all goes well, it will be a great class. not as good as AP lit though. Nothing beats Wonderwoman.
My room is getting a makeover and we are getting all of my furniture from Ikea. I FREAKING LOVE IKEA.
I want a bike in Boston. really badly.
I also found this on google: I would like this too!
Hello. I have returned to blogging after a few years of hiatus. I have created a new blog "Independenthood" instead of picking up where I left off on my old blog "Exhale." I blame all of this mess on Pinterest. One day I will create a third blog: "Runaway Mom of the Year" I make jokes. Don't take everything I post seriously.